EPA Releases New Lead and Copper Rule

Hot off the presses, on December 22, 2020, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the first major update to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) in nearly 30 years.

One focus of the new rule is to better protect the nation's children by setting new guidelines for utilities to follow. The new rule will not be in effect for three (3) years, however now is the time to review the new requirements and develop your plan for attaining compliance for your community.

For a comparison guide of the rule changes, click here.  A quick fact sheet of the new rule can be accessed by clicking here.

For complete information on the new Lead and Copper Rule visit: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/final-revisions-lead-and-copper-rule.

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EPA announces final Lead and Copper Rule